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Second Saturdays at the 9GallerY*

Each Second Saturday of Every Month - from April 2014 thru 2015 we shared the 9GallerY* with Our Community. FamilY FriendlY , Children Our Present , Children are Our future.

Music , FooD , Drink , Sharing Hearts & ArTs.


tOP rOW = 5 Pieces

1st = Laser HeArT

2nd = Spiraling HeArT

3rd = Fruit of Life Mirror (sold)

4th = Om

5th = Fractal 1 (sold)

mID rOW = 3 Pieces

1st = Spiral Trip 1

2nd = Adam's' Split

3rd = Hope Moves In - (BBluee)

lOW rOW = 5 Pieces

1st = Inferno Cove 3

2nd = Spiral Trip 2

3rd = Convergence Cove

4th = WindFaLL

5th = DarK Autum

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